Volunteer Agreement

Please read the Volunteer Agreement below and then click the button at the end of the page to show you agree to this agreement.



 1.  General Agreement

Volunteers are an important and valued part of our organisation and we hope to make your volunteering experience both productive and rewarding.

This agreement sets out both what you, as a St Elizabeth Hospice volunteer, can expect from the organisation in terms of treatment and support, and what the hospice, in turn expects from you in terms of standards and behaviour as a volunteer. This agreement reflects the hopes and intentions of you and the Hospice and is not contractually binding on either party.

We commit to the following:

  • To introduce you to how our organisation works and your role within the organisation
  • To provide any training you need to equip you for your volunteering role.
  • To explain the standards and expectations we have of volunteers.
  • To ensure you have the support you need and to give you constructive feedback on your performance.
  • To treat you with respect and dignity and to respect any feedback you may have for us.
  • To treat you as an equal partner within the organisation in line with the Equal Opportunities Policy, with the aims of meeting our goals and fulfilling our mission.

We ask you to commit to the following:

  • To contribute positively towards the aims and objectives of the Hospice.
  • To perform your volunteer duties to the best of your ability, and in line with any reasonable requests by the manager.
  • To treat everyone you have contact with during your role as a volunteer with the utmost respect and dignity, whilst remaining professional at all times.
  • To adhere to the organisation’s Policies and Procedures with particular attention to Health and Safety.
  • To respect and adhere to the requirements of the Confidentiality, General Data Protection and Information Governance procedures. Abide by the guidelines in respect of any confidential information you may become aware of, in any format (verbal, electronic or paper-based information)
  • To not post or like/agree with any comments to social networking sites, that disparage or are perceived to have a negative impact on the reputation of the hospice or its employees and volunteers.
  • To meet time and duty commitments or give as much notice as possible whenever you cannot attend.
  • To undertake any training required to fulfil your duties.
  • To represent and present the work of the Hospice positively at all times.
  • To uphold the hospice and individual teams values at all time.
  • To consult with your Link/Line Manager in the first instance or the HR volunteer team if you need any additional help or guidance.

2. Data Protection

I have been provided with, read and understood the hospice employee, volunteer, worker and contractor privacy notice and I am giving the hospice explicit consent to collect, hold, process and share my personal data in accordance within GDPR guidelines.

3. Confidentiality

In signing this Volunteer Agreement you agree to the following:

  • To uphold the interests and the good name of the hospice in its relations with the general public, patients and suppliers.
  • To not make contact with, or respond to any questions from media representatives in relation to any business or people connected with St Elizabeth Hospice.
  • To hold in the strictest confidence all information of a personal nature that you learn about other volunteers, employees, patients and their families and carers
  • To only share such information within the organisation where required by your volunteering duties and in a way that safeguards its sensitive nature. You will not share any confidential information with anyone outside the Hospice unless you have prior written permission to do so.
  • To adhere to the St Elizabeth Hospice GDPR policy.
  • All material, data and information collected during the course of your volunteering will remain the possession of the Hospice and must be returned upon termination of this agreement.

Subject to the amended Copyright Designs and Patent Act (1988), all information and materials devised by you which relate directly or indirectly to the hospice, will remain the property of the hospice. You will not disclose information relating to the storage of money, valuables, medicines and equipment that would put the organisation or its assets at risk. The above obligations will remain even after you have ceased to be a volunteer.

4. Health and Safety

The Hospice will take all responsible steps to ensure the health and safety of volunteers and employees. You also have a duty to take reasonable care of your own and other peoples’ health and safety. You must respect and adhere to all health and safety rules and guidelines as outlined in the Health and Safety Policy. If you are volunteering with the events and challenges team, there may be the opportunity to take part in an event as a participant, however, this is at your own risk and should an incident or accident happen, the hospice will not be held responsible.

5. Hospice Policies and Procedures

You are able to view the Hospice policies and procedures via HOLI which is the Hospice’s online internet. If you wish to read these please ask your line manager to speak with the volunteer team.

6. References and DBS

As a registered charity working with vulnerable people we must follow correct procedures to ensure that anyone undertaking voluntary activities on our behalf have been appropriately checked prior to commencement of any volunteering duties. You must provide details of two referees and if your role involves Regulated or Controlled Activity (as defined by the Independent Safeguarding Authority2010), you will need to complete a DBS(Disclosure & Barring Service)application form(There is no fee and the Hospice will send this for you). Neither referee should be related to you in any way but must know you well enough to provide a character reference and comment on your suitability to volunteer in your chosen duties.

7. VolunteerHandbook

To provide more detailed information about St Elizabeth, your role and the facilities we offer, you will also be able to view our Volunteer Handbook. Within 4 weeks of signing this agreement your line manager will give you the opportunity to see and read it. By signing and dating this agreement below you confirm that you understand your responsibility. Thank you once again for the support you have kindly offered to give to St Elizabeth and we hope you enjoy your time as a St Elizabeth Hospice volunteer.

8. Role Profile

To enable you to fulfil your role to the best of your ability, you will be given a copy of your role profile, this outlines your role within the hospice, on occasion you may be asked to carry out other tasks within your role, not outlined in the role profile.

Your Agreement

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