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Community Care Unit

As well as providing care at the hospice in Ipswich and at home, our Community Care Unit supports patients with complex needs and symptom control.

The Community Care Unit is aimed at those suffering from a progressive or life-limiting illness requiring the input of several of our professionals and who would benefit from having their appointments on the same day.

The Ipswich Community Care Unit is located at St Elizabeth Hospice on Foxhall Road in Ipswich. Pre-booked appointments are available for patients to receive multi-professional input on a Tuesday (9am-3pm), Wednesday and Thursday (9am-4pm).

Not just medical support…

As well as medical and therapy support, Ridley’s Café is open for patients and families to enjoy refreshments, snacks and drinks from Tuesday to Thursday, 10am-3pm, whilst attending appointments for the day. It is a place to relax and socially interact with others to boost wellbeing.

Our Community Care Unit in Ipswich also offers support groups, rehabilitation programmes, as well as hairdressing, complementary therapy and beauty therapy.

On a Friday, the space is used to support young adults from our Zest service, supporting those aged 14 and above with incurable illnesses.

Free car parking is available for the Community Care Unit at St Elizabeth Hospice.

If you require further assistance, patients can book transport via the Patient Transport Services. Call: 0300 999 666 (8am-6pm) or 0300 777 2277 (out of hours).

Student Clinicians

We support the learning and development of student clinicians.

They are monitored by registered professionals.

Your feedback may be beneficial to their ongoing learning.

If you would prefer not to have a student involved in your care, please alert a member of the team.


All patients are entitled to have a chaperone present during any consultation, examination, or procedure.

If you would like a chaperone, please ask a member of staff.

In accordance with our chaperone policy, clinicians may advise patients that a chaperone is necessary during any examination; this is to support both the clinician and you, the patient.

How to refer

If you are a professional, patient or family member wanting to refer to our services in East & Mid-Suffolk, click the button below to refer.

If you are already known to the hospice, you can speak to a member of our staff when you see them next or please call the OneCall on 0800 567 0111.