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Care in East & Mid-Suffolk

St Elizabeth Hospice is based in Ipswich and provides care throughout East & Mid-Suffolk, across to Stowmarket.

Our hospice building is based in Ipswich, on Foxhall Road, with 18 beds on the Inpatient Unit ward. However, 70% of our care is actually provided in people’s homes or other settings in the community, including care homes.


Community Care Unit

As well as care on the ward and at home, our Community Care Unit in Ipswich supports patients with complex needs and symptom control.

Patients attend pre-booked appointments with professionals, including physiotherapy, all in one day and can enjoy access to Ridley’s Café with their relatives or friends.

OneCall – One Number

Our 24 hour advice line OneCall continues to provide essential support for patients and families. OneCall is there to support everyone in our catchment area.