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Community Care Units

As well as care at Beccles Hospital and at home, our Community Care Unit locations support patients with complex needs and symptom control.

The Community Care Units are aimed at those suffering from a progressive or life-limiting illness requiring the input of several of our professionals and who would benefit from having their appointments on the same day.

Where do appointments take place?

Patients attend pre-booked appointments with professionals, depending on their individual needs, all in one day at one of our four locations from 10am-4pm:

  • Beccles Hospital on Mondays
  • Louise Hamilton Centre at James Paget University Hospitals on Tuesdays
  • Martham Medical Centre on Thursdays
  • The Pear Tree Centre in Halesworth on Fridays

Free car parking is available at each location.

If you need help with transport to attend a CCU day, please contact the Patient Transport Service or ERS Medical to assist:

For Great Yarmouth and Waveney patients with a Suffolk postcode, call: 0300 999 666 (8.00am-6.00pm) or 0300 777 2277 (out of hours).

For patients with a Norfolk postcode, call: 0333 240 4100 (24/7).

How to refer to our Community Care Unit locations:

If a patient is already known to the hospice, they can discuss this with a member of the team at their next appointment or via the OneCall number on 0800 5567 0111 and you can discuss this with a member of the team.

Each referral will be assessed by the team for suitability.

A team member may want to discuss this further with you to ensure that this service is best placed to meet your needs.

We may also work with other services in the local area so that your personal goals can be met.