"*" indicates required fields
Step 1 of 4
Please start with your present or most recent employment and work backwards. Include periods of unemployment and self employment. Any discrepancies/gaps in employment dates will be investigated.
Please list all relevant secondary & further education qualifications below. Please enter in qualifications in date order beginning with the most recent.
Please state below the names and addresses of two referees (including your current or last employer) and covering at least three years of employment. Referees should not be relatives or personal friends. We reserve the right to contact any previous employer or education establishment mentioned on this application. Please note that it is hospice policy to not offer a formal start date until two satisfactory references have been received. We will however not contact any referees until you have given us permission.
Reference one
Reference two
Data Protection Act 1998 and General Data Protection Regulations 2018
This application form has been designed to provide us with sufficient basic information to carry out a preliminary assessment of your suitability for the post. The information you supply in this form is confidential and will only be used by those involved in the appointment in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulations 2018. For further information please refer to the GDPR information for job applicants and the hospice’s privacy notice which can be found on the website.