Even if it is 1 hour or 1 day a week, Support Our Shops today

From discovering donation gems, researching & listing eBay products, sharing your baking skills or learning how to be a barista in our coffee shops and serving customers, there is a huge range of roles available for you to get involved with across Suffolk.

Scroll down the page to see all our drop in days at our shops to find out more

"There is such a warm atmosphere at the shop and it feels nice to help others"

"It is a really nice way to spend your free time, as you are giving back to your community"

"Every day is different but I always start my volunteering shift at Zest with a smile and end it with an even bigger smile as it’s so rewarding"

"It is nice to know, in our own small way, that we are helping raise money for the hospice so it can continue giving its wonderful care to the patients who use its services"

Need to chat with us? Get in touch with our team

01473 707939 | volunteer@stelizabethhospice.org.uk

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