Recite Me is innovative accessibility toolbar that lets visitors to our website view and use it in the way that works best for them.
To access the toolbar click the 'Accessibility tools' button on the top of this webpage.
To access the toolbar click the 'Accessibility tools' button on the top of this webpage.
Have content read out aloud in a natural voice.
There are 35 different language options. voice speed controls and word-by-word highlighting.
You can also highlight any text and create an MP3 file, which downloads automatically to your computer.
Back/Rewind: Rewind to previous paragraph of text
Play: Click play button to read the text aloud
Forward/Next: Skip forward to the next paragraph of text
One in ten people don’t speak English as their first language. Recite Me quickly and easily translates all web content on demand into over 100 languages, including 35 text to speech voices.
Recite Me supports people who are dyslexic, visually impaired or have a learning disability to change the way a website looks, so they can experience it the way it is intended.
You can change background and text colours, fonts and text size.
Minus: This will decrease text size
Aa: You can change font that displays on page
Plus: This will increase text size
Colour wheel: Change background, text and link colour contrasts
Reading content online can be a challenge for some people. To simplify and support, Recite Me provides these extra tools:
Recite Me is innovative cloud-based software that lets visitors to our website view and use it in the way that works best for them.
We have added the Recite Me web accessibility and language toolbar to our website to make it accessible and inclusive for as many people as possible.
It helps the one in five people in the UK who have a disability, including those with common conditions like sight loss and dyslexia, to access this website in the way that suits them best.
It also meets the needs of the one in ten people in the UK who don’t speak English as their first language, by being able to translate our web content into over 100 different languages.