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Our 565 Service is here to provide support for parents navigating the challenging journey of supporting children during pre and post-bereavement.

This page has guidance and resources to help support your child through this difficult time.

When someone is expected to die

Telling your child(ren) that you or someone else is unwell can be very daunting, particularly if you are still processing this news yourself.

It is natural to want to protect them from difficult news, to avoid them becoming upset. However, children can often sense when something isn’t quite right.

Therefore, being honest and communicating with them can help them understand what is going on and be more prepared for changes that may happen as a consequence of a loved one being unwell.

Decide who is going to tell them

Difficult news is best coming from someone that is close to the child, such as a parent, family member or close family friend.

If you have children at different ages, you may wish to tell them separately. If you do tell your children together, ensure you spent some 1:1 with them after, allowing them to ask any questions and talk about their feelings.

Choose the environment

Talk to them in a quiet space, away from distractions.

Younger children may engage better in conversation if doing something such as drawing or painting while talking. Try not to tell them before bedtime, as they may then have trouble sleeping afterwards.

Telling your child during the weekend may give them a little time to take in some of the information before returning to school.

Consider the language

Try to use simple language and avoid euphemisms as this may be confusing to the child.

If you are using medical terms such as ‘tumour,’ be prepared that your child might not understand what this means and you may need to explain it.

Remember to…

Be honest

Try to be as honest as possible in an age appropriate way. Try not to offer any false hope as this can lead to confusion and disappointment.

Check that they have understood

Ask questions afterwards to ensure that they have understood the information. Younger children may need information to be repeated.

Acknowledge emotions

Acknowledge that it is okay to feel however they may be feeling. Some children and young people may not want to talk about their emotions with their parents. Let them know that it is okay to reach out to others too.

Offer reassurance

Younger children can often have ‘magical thinking’ and may believe that that their loved one is unwell due to something they have done.

It is also not uncommon for them to think that they may catch the illness like a cold.

Offer reassurance that there is nothing they have done to cause the illness, and there is no way that they can catch it.

Get support

Reach out to family and friends. Speak to your child’s school so that they can ensure that the right support is available to your child in school.

What next?

Once children have been told about their loved ones illness, try to maintain routine where possible as this can help make their world feel more predictable.

Keep them informed of any changes and spend some 1:1 time with them where possible, allowing them to share their feelings and any worries. Spend time trying to capture memories.

Answering difficult questions

Should your child ask questions that are difficult to answer, it is okay to let them know that you don’t have the answer to all of them, but you will get back to them.

Here are some examples of things that children may ask, and some suggestions on how to answer:

How to tell your child someone has died

There is no ‘right thing’ to say, only what is ‘good enough’ based on their age and level of understanding.

Sometimes ‘good enough’ is simply a case of telling them the facts of the situation and then sitting with them so they know you are there and letting them start the conversation.

Here are some tips to help:


Try to make sure the environment is right. Make sure there are no distractions (such as phones or TV) and a safe place (at home where possible), with something to help express feelings (perhaps a bear to cuddle or a ball to kick).

Doing something while you talk

It could be drawing, walking, a long car journey or anything else that keeps hands busy while the mind is thinking.

Reactions to loss can be varied

Their expression of emotion may change over time. They may not react initially but then cry or get angry later, they may even laugh. This is all perfectly normal.


Talking about death is as much about listening as it is about telling.

Never force your child to talk though. Just let them know you are there when they want to.

Answer questions honestly

Children often have their own views and questions which are best answered as honestly as possible. If you do not know the answer, tell them you don’t know but that you will share with them when you do. Never make promises you cannot keep.

Be clear

Try not to use euphemisms or slang as this can lead to some confusion, e.g. telling a child that a loved one has ‘gone to sleep’ may give the impression that they will wake again.

Equally using medical terms may also be just as confusing, e.g. telling a child a loved one had a tumour without explaining what it is may lead them to think they can catch it, like a cold.

Talking to Children about Death & Dying

Ways to support your child

Books to help understand grief

Books can be a great way to help explain death and dying and can be an opening point to further discussion.

Watch our video with Sam for her recommendations and see additional titles below:

  • When your Mum or Dad has Cancer by Ann Couldrick
  • Cancer Party by Sara Olsher
  • Beginning, Endings and Lifetimes in Between by Bryan Mallonie

What to expect in bereavement

When a child experiences the loss of a loved one, they may respond in many different ways, reactions to loss can include:

  • A diverse range of emotional reactions, varied and often mixed; anger, sadness, joy, fear, guilt, etc.
  • Disruptions to sleep; staying in bed longer than usual or finding it hard to fall asleep
  • Disruptions to appetite; comfort eating or reduced appetite due to anxiety
  • A greater need for tactile comfort (hugs, handholding, being close to other people)
  • Worry for other family members.

These are all very normal reactions; for some children they last longer than others, some experience all of these things, other only few. Try not to measure how your child is coping by comparing them to other family members or friend’s reactions.