Ways to send us your Midnight Walk sponsorship money

Congratulations to everyone that completed a Virtual Midnight Walk this year. We had a great week and are still enjoying everyone’s pictures and videos of them ‘walking their way!’
Of course all of the walking was for a very good reason, and now is the time to collect the sponsorship money and send it to us so it can be put to use caring for some of the most vulnerable people in our community.
Under normal circumstances this would be simple, however, we are asking you to send us your sponsorship money in a few specific ways to make sure we comply with all current social distancing laws and guidelines due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason we are asking you NOT to bring donations directly to the hospice. This is to try and ensure the safety of our patients and staff.
There are a number of very simple ways you can send your sponsorship to us:
1) Post it to the hospice – St Elizabeth Hospice, 565 Foxhall Road, Ipswich, IP3 8LX
Mark it ‘FAO The Midnight Walk Team’ with a note inside to include your full name, ‘virtual midnight walk sponsorship’, the amount and any sponsorship forms you may have.
2) Use the donation link on the website
– www.stelizabethhospice.org.uk/support-us/make-a-donation
When you click on this page just enter how much you’d like to donate and it will take you through to the next page to fill in your details, when you are there please make sure that you tick the box to say it’s sponsorship for an event, this will then open up a separate box for you to enter details of the Virtual Midnight Walk. This helps us to tag this on to your fundraising and allows us to mark it as Virtual Midnight Walk sponsorship.
3) Update your Just Giving page with any offline donations or promote it on your social channels for one last push. Any funds on JustGiving are sent directly to us.
Thank you once again for helping to make our first Virtual Midnight Walk such a success. Once we have collected sponsorship money will will be very excited to share the event total with everyone!