How can St Elizabeth Hospice​ help you?

St Elizabeth Hospice is here for people living with progressive and life-limiting illnesses.

We offer expert care and support to help them, and their families, maximise the potential from the time they have left. Our work is centred around the individual's needs and we provide specialist support wherever it is needed; whether that be in your home, in the community or at our hospice.

Our team of professionals work together to identify the clinical and psychosocial needs of patients and refer them to any of our wide-ranging services that could help.

Intensive Support - Inpatient Unit

When intensive support is needed patients can be admitted to one of our short-stay Inpatient Units in Ipswich. We have 18 beds available and family members or carers can stay overnight too. There are a number of reasons why a patient may be admitted, and most return home shortly after.


Services in your home

Our Community Nursing Teams care for patients in their home or close to their homes, depending on need and preference. The teams include:

  • Community Health Care Assistants
  • Community Clinical Nurse Specialists
  • Volunteer home sitters

Community Care Unit


The Community Care Unit is a new service, replacing Day Care services in both East Suffolk and Great Yarmouth and Waveney.

The Community Care Unit will continue to support patients with complex needs. The new service will support symptom control, advance and improve ease of access to professionals and provide social integration.


Helping you cope day to day


We can provide a range of support for patients, their families and carers to help them cope day to day.


Information for healthcare professionals


We work with health and social care workers across Suffolk and Norfolk; GPs and nurses often refer a patient to the hospice.

One Call - One Number | 24hr Advice
0800 567 0111 calls are free from a BT landline.

Our 24 hour advice line OneCall continues to provide essential support for patients and families. OneCall is there to support everyone in our catchment area.

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