How to make a referral
If you would like to find out more about our service you can speak to a member of our team or arrange a visit, or find out about any upcoming open events. Call our team on: 01473 707032
We can take a referral direct from a patient, family member or carer, or from a professional.
We accept referrals for young adult aged between 14-40 year olds who are living with a life-limiting or life threatening conditions.
Reasons for referrals
To improve and support quality of life whilst living with an incurable and/or progressive condition, including:
- Support with transition from children’s care and children's hospice care
- Help with managing symptoms, changing needs of the patient and their family, or deterioration in patient's condition
- Support planning for the future
- To reduce social isolation and provide opportunities for peer support
- Supportive care for the whole family
- Access to specialist Zest day service and short breaks for young adults with complex care needs