Before you fill in this form, please read the below
about our Gift Aid Scheme:
We can reclaim tax on all donations under the Gift Aid Scheme providing you are a UK income tax payer. St Elizabeth Hospice deals with the tax office to reclaim the tax. Completing this form is all you have to do.
St Elizabeth Hospice can recover the basic rate tax but if you are a higher rate tax-payer in the UK you simply declare donations for the year on your self–assessment tax return and you will get a rebate for the difference between the basic rate of tax that we reclaim and the higher rate of tax that you originally paid.
If in future, your circumstances change and you no longer pay tax on your income and capital gains equal to the amount the charity reclaims, just contact us on 01473 723600 to cancel your declaration. Please also let us know if you change your name or address.