Volunteers needed for new hospice shop in Needham Market

St Elizabeth Hospice is opening a brand new shop in Needham Market and volunteers are needed for when the shop opens in December.

Retail Volunteers provide general assistance in the shop and carry out duties such as sorting, pricing, displaying and selling mainly donated goods.

Hospice shops rely on the loyalty and dedication of local volunteers, without whom they wouldn’t be able to open their doors.

Jason Rudderham, head of retail at St Elizabeth Hospice, said: “We are really excited to be opening a new shop in Needham Market and we’re hoping the store will be well supported by locals through volunteering, donating items and shopping.

“We need around 20 volunteers to help in the shop from Monday to Saturday, so if you can spare a morning or afternoon every week or month, please get in touch.

“Volunteering is a great way to boost your CV, learn new skills, meet new people, and of course, support your local hospice.”

The shop is due to open in the town in the early December and will be St Elizabeth Hospice’s 26th shop.

To find out more or to apply to volunteer, please click here or call 01473 707016 or email volunteer@stelizabethhospice.org.uk

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