With a little help from my friends

A couple of weeks ago I was taking photographs at a book signing and talk by Anthony Horowitz. Having both driven over to Lavenham on a dark winters evening Anthony commented that in winter Suffolk has “some of the darkest and dirtiest lanes” that he has ever – in his well travelled experience – seen and I have to agree.

There is something about late November and December that is just grey. A greyness that pervades all. It seems for days and even weeks at a time that the sun is not seen and days transition from dark to dull and back again. Throw in rain and dropping temperatures and I know why I always start yearning for spring, or at least bright sharp cold days, at this time of the year. I’m beginning to reflect that it is no coincidence that Christmas is a very welcome festival of lights in a season of darkness.

These  dull dank days are, if I’m honest, not ones that I really want to be out on my bike – even if I do feel good for having done so after the event.  However in my last blog I said I was going to look for reasons to ride rather than reasons not too and I am doing so – the two 2.3 mile rides above were trips to Tesco I could have done in the car – but it is an increasing challenge.

I am very pleased therefore that I have met some like minded people who too want to continue to get out on their bikes in the darker months. A chance conversation over a networking dinner introduced me to the ‘Kesgrave peloton’ a group of guys from around Ipswich who gather in Kesgrave a couple of evening a week and repeatedly ride a two mile circuit of Grange Farm.

Numbers rise and fall depending on commitments but each week throughout the winter come rain or shine they will be found keeping miles in their cycling legs and now too mine.

Some days there is nothing nicer than a solitary and tranquil trip into the country but for the next couple of challenging months I’m pleased that I can draw strength from numbers.  Thanks guys!

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