The Inpatient Unit (IPU) in Ipswich provides specialist palliative care for the relief of pain and other distressing symptoms, at all times aiming to maintain dignity and choice.
The IPU is a short stay unit, there are several reasons why patients are admitted to the IPU, including end of life care. There are 18 beds on the IPU made up of wards and single rooms.
We also have 6 beds at Beccles Hospital. Find out more on our service in the Great Yarmouth and Waveney area here.
As well as expert medical and nursing care, a variety of activities and therapies are offered which are flexible and sensitive to individual needs such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy and complementary therapy.
Inpatients and their family, friends and carers can access family support services such bereavement support and spiritual care.
We accept patients from East Suffolk, South Norfolk and further afield where this is the patient's choice.
Referrals for this service are dealt with through our daily referrals meeting and referrals can be submitted online here. You may also refer yourself or a family member.