A series of events will be held throughout Suffolk for people wanting to remember a loved one this Christmas.
St Elizabeth Hospice has organised four Light up a Life events to bring together people who are missing someone at this often difficult time of year.
Each event, which is open to everyone – not just those touched by Hospice care – includes Christmas carols, music and readings as well as a time for reflection.
St Elizabeth Hospice’s chaplain Revd Jane Kingsnorth (pictured right) said: “Christmas is a time for giving and sharing, a moment for enjoying being with your family members and loved ones.
“But it is also a time for reflecting on the lives of loved ones we have lost, remembering these special people and the cherished memories that we hold dear to our heart.
“St Elizabeth Hospice’s Light up a Life events are open to everyone and give us an opportunity to come together as a community to celebrate the lives of those we love and remember those who are no longer with us.”
Light up a Life Events are free to attend, no ticket is needed just turn up on the day.
They will take place at:
Framlingham: Sunday 4th December 4pm, St Michael’s Church
Refreshments will be provided after the service. This is the second year a Light Up a Life Event has been held in Framlingham.
Stowmarket: Sunday 11th December 4pm, inside the United Reformed Church, Ipswich Street
The Salvation Army band will be accompanying the carols.
Felixstowe: Thursday 15th December 6.30pm, Great Eastern Square, Felixstowe town station
The Felixstowe Friends of St Elizabeth Hospice will be doing readings and the Salvation Army band will be accompanying the carols.
Ipswich: Sunday 18th December 4pm, St Mary le Tower Church
The event includes an address by the Rt Revd Clive Young, Bishop of Dunwich, a performance by the Co-op Singers, Christmas Carols, readings and a candlelit moment of reflection.
For more information regarding Light up a Life events, please contact 01473 723600 or email fundraising@stelizabethhospice.org.uk