Making Tracks in the Community – Suffolk Scouts Challenge Badge

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Make a difference and achieve a new badge

The ‘Making Tracks in the Community’ Programme gives Suffolk Scouts the opportunity to achieve a new activity badge by being kind and making a difference within their community. It is also part of our ambition at Zest to be compassionate and supportive to young adults with incurable illnesses and every day we are making tracks to ensure they have a smooth transition from children’s hospice services into adult care. 

Through this specialist care, young adults, aged 14 upwards, with challenging conditions are able to fulfil their aspirations, whether this is to manage their symptoms, access opportunities in the community and reduce loneliness by enabling them to meet and have fun with friends.

Zest makes such a difference to young people’s daily lives
and we are asking Suffolk Scouts to do the same. 

We would love to see the ‘tracks’ that Scouts leave within the community, so if you would like to share an experience or pictures of a Scouts journey, please share on social media and use the hashtag #MakingTracksForZest or email us at

Simply C Photography Commercial Branding Headshot Photographer Suffolk Photographer St Elizabeth Hospice Ipswich 127
Simply C Photography Commercial Branding Headshot Photographer Suffolk Photographer St Elizabeth Hospice Ipswich 116

Earning the Badge

To achieve the ‘Making Tracks in the Community’ badge, Scouts must complete one or both challenges:

• Challenge 1:  Fundraise a minimum of £20 to support Zest 


• Challenge 2: Be kind and compassionate within the community

Scouts will need to complete at least one of the challenges to earn the badge and we recommend that they try to do this on their own. It is up to the group leaders to decide whether an individual has completed a challenge and if leaders require further guidance, contact your local Community Fundraiser at St Elizabeth Hospice.

If an individual Scout takes up the challenge to fundraise, we recommend to leaders that you allow Scouts to fundraise on their own so that they learn and understand the importance of donations. However if you would like to raise money as a group, try to allow each Scout to get involved as much as possible. We have sponsorship forms, fundraising ideas and cardboard collection boxes which can be used to support them.

It is advised that leaders gain permission from a parent or guardian first before allowing a Scout under the age of 16 to fundraise on their own.

“How do you change the world? One single act of random kindness at a time”

– Morgan Freeman

“The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is, just be nice to everyone and always smile. Always appreciate things, because [they] could be gone tomorrow.”

– Ed Sheeran

“Just be kind. The act itself, it’s free. And it’s priceless.”

– Lady Gaga 

If you have any questions about the programme or would like to book in a talk with a Community Fundraiser
to speak about Zest Young Adult Services and St Elizabeth Hospice, please contact: 

Fundraising Team at St Elizabeth Hospice

01473 723600

Let us know what you’re doing!

Do you require other fundraising resources such as collection buckets or banners? Do you have any questions regarding the Making Tracks in Community Programme? Please get in touch including the name and district of your Scout group and contact information.

Download Challenge Resources

Click below to download all of the resources needed to help you run this special challenge with your group.

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