What is Creating Memories?
Creating Memories is a special and different way of displaying photographs within a photo album, including writing memory books or making memory boxes.
We all have a story to tell and share. Making your own personalised album can be very therapeutic, rewarding and satisfying, both for the individual and those who share the memories you have captured.
Producing an album in this way also enables the person to preserve the past as well as enriching the present.
It is an opportunity for patients and their families and carers to meet and share with each other their stories in a safe, supportive environment; whilst working creatively with their personal photos and memories. These could be of past or present family members, holidays, school days, pets, hobbies or special occasions.
The group meets on a Wednesday 10.00am –12.00pm at St Elizabeth Hospice and is facilitated by a member of the day care team.
The group is open to all ages, patients, family members, friends or carers who are known to the Hospice.
If you would like more information about Creating Memories, please speak to a member of the day unit on 01473 727776.