Pledge your support by taking these actions to help your local community, colleagues and friends.
I pledge to...
Talk openly about end of life options and connecting people to services and support groups.
Speak to other people about their experiences, searching online, attending awareness sessions and group events.
Offer practical and emotional support - such as helping with day to day tasks offering a listening ear to people and having compassionate conversations.
Review your organisations inclusive policies or guidance for death, dying, loss and care.
Support or establish a local memorial event to mark a loved one's life.
Lead by example and recognising others contributions in the community or help shape a local community of practice that supports a Compassionate Community approach.
Officially sign your pledge below and your name will appear on this page as a supporter.
You'll join companies, local organisations and individuals in committing to becoming a Compassionate Community.
St Elizabeth Hospice is supporting the development of a Compassionate Charter for Suffolk, that will publicly encourage, enable and celebrate care for one another – particularly prescient during these times of unprecedented social change.
This county-wide approach to care in our communities will rely on the commitment from individuals, groups, organisations and schools who would like to work together to develop an inclusive town or city for end of life that publicly encourages, facilitates, supports and celebrates care for one another with a life-limiting illness and loss through compassionate action.
Click on the links below to go to third party sites which are recommended by St Elizabeth Hospice: