St Elizabeth Hospice is looking for a Specialty Grade Doctor in Palliative Medicine to support their provision of Specialist Palliative Care in the Great Yarmouth & Waveney area.
St Elizabeth Hospice improves life for people living with a progressive or life-limiting illness. Our work is centred on an individual’s needs, which means specialist support, whenever and wherever it is needed, whether at home, in the community or at the hospice. Through medicine and therapy we ease pain; we give life purpose and make life liveable.
For over 35 years St Elizabeth Hospice has driven forward innovation and development of services, both in the Ipswich and East Suffolk locality and now further up the coast to the Great Yarmouth and Waveney area. NHS Norfolk and Waveney CCG awarded the specialist palliative and end of life care contract to East Coast Community Healthcare. The contract includes a specialist palliative care service, which is delivered in partnership with St Elizabeth Hospice.
Applications are invited for the following permanent post:
Caring for patients in the In-Patient Unit, and occasionally in other areas such as day care, at home, in community hospitals or care homes, the post holder will participate fully in the provision of medical care of patients referred to St Elizabeth Hospice. You will ensure patients receive appropriate medical assessment and appropriate medical care as part of the multi-disciplinary care plan. Post holders will also participate as first on-call for palliative care on a 1:4 rota.
Appointments subject to a Disclosure and Barring check at an enhanced level.
Our most recent Care Quality Commission report rated the hospice as “Outstanding”
For more information please use the link below to see a copy of the job description and person specification.
For informal enquiries please contact Dr Alison Blaken, Medical Director via